White Pines (Aug 2013) oil

Row upon row of tall and straight white pines line the roadway along I75 in northern Michigan, the route that gets us to our lake house. These neat and orderly rows were planted for harvest by numerous lumber mills in the area. It is hypnotizing to watch these rows whiz by as we rocket north to the lake.

White Pines (8/13) [16 x 20, oil on canvas]

White Pines (8/13) [16″ x 20″, oil on canvas]

Although the land surrounding our lake house is mostly farmed for hay, soy beans and corn, you can see the distinct evidence of these majestic pines planted for timber harvest. Not far from the cottage, there is a stunning stand of these trees that–wonderfully–has been dedicated to the nature conservancy. It is an enchanted forest to explore. Once you are deep within it, every direction you turn appears the same. Here’s my take on these white pines, one of which succumbed to high wind and perhaps heavy snow.

Click here to see Sunflowers, a reworked oil on canvas, and my next new work.

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