Oil Paintings in 2015

2015 was a fruitful and fulfilling year in my painting experience.  I painted 10 new pictures of both Michigan and southeastern Pennsylvania landscapes. Plus, my first collage at 38 x 45 inches and I painted some wooden butterflies.

I feel I have achieved a stride in my painting over the past few months that, at least, gives me the confidence to try new landscape topics . . . and, at best, perhaps gives rise to a work that is engaging, with colorful, visual appeal and some artistry to boot.

This year my painting started in earnest in June about the time we arrived in northern Michigan. The place is so far north and we got there so early that we were treated to our second spring season. Trillium filled the woods and the fresh, vibrant green of spring was everywhere in the trees . . . and the stunning poppy stands were soon to emerge. To get to these painting locations Up North I designed and built a bicycle trailer an image of which lies ahead.

My painting season continued this fall after my New York sculptures were completed. These paintings found me not in the spring of the north country, but rather immersed in the long, golden light of autumnal settings here in southeastern Pennsylvania.   I am pleased with my efforts in these works but realize I’ve more to accomplish.

Click here to see an image of my most recent painting, Sycamores on the Brandywine (Nov 2015).